Monday, January 20, 2020

Audiobook Challenge 2020 - January Book

I just finished Book #1 of the Listening Books Club 2020 Audiobook Challenge.  

The book challenge for January was an audiobook with multiple narrators.  "Last Seen Wearing" has several narrators/actors and is more of an audio/radio play.  I enjoyed the plot, always unexpected twists and turns.  That's David Hewson's style and he's one of my favorite mystery writers. 

The one thing that was difficult for me to get through this audiobook is that I didn't quite like the voice and style of the main narrator.  The main character is a female private detective, a former NYPD cop.  But overall it was quite a good cast of narrators/actors and they kept the suspense throughout.  

Though I wouldn't add it to my list of favorite mystery/thrillers of all time, I would recommend it for those that enjoy a good police procedurals with a few unexpected twists and turns.

Now on to the February Challenge, listen to an audiobook less than 8 hours long.  After searching for a few weeks on the Audible website I've finally selected "Meet Me At The Museum: A Novel", by Anne Youngson, narrated by Helen Lloyd and Lars Knudsen (6.5 Hours).

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Audiobook Challenge for 2020

I'm trying a new Audiobook Challenge for 2020.

I failed miserably at the 2019 audiobook challenge.  Things got busy at work and that drives my concentration way down in the evenings.  Also my commute got shorter.  Normally a good thing, but means less audiobook time during my work commute.

This challenge from The Listening Book Club seems more reachable.  My first audiobook I'm listening to now for the January Challenge is:

I'm searching for the February audiobook now.  All the audiobooks in my library, my pre-orders, and my Wish List are over 8 hours long.

(But I already can predict that the October audiobook will be narrated by famous person and my favorite narrator of course.)

Since this year I'm at the "summit bid" of the mountain of retirement I'm looking and planning my future in a way.  I'm looking forward to more time to read.  I know illness can at any time throw a curve at my plans, but looking ahead is good for the soul, right?