Saturday, February 29, 2020

RICHARD! My Question Answered - Thanks Audible

Richard Armitage said my name with such enthusiasm!

Image thanks to fellow Armitage fan Cyn on Twitter

What an amazing moment!  I submitted two questions to Audible for #AskArmitage and they picked one.  I've sent questions before for Ask Armitage to Audible, and they never selected one before.

And what a lovely feeling to hear Richard's beautiful, deep, and so familiar, voice saying my name.

If you want to hear him say my name and listen to the answer to my question, watch the video below:

(True confession - Fabo is my nom de plume.  I've had it for so long now that in many ways it is my name, my second name.  I feel very comfortable with it, like a favorite nickname. Now also in one of his recent audiobooks for Audible, Richard actually says my real (my birth name) name. He says it several times throughout the book.  That has been also an experience because he says my real name not as Richard, but as a character in a book.  Still I would love to know how to record him saying Fabo, and him saying my real name, and use it as a ringtone, or ringtones, on my smart phone. Alas even going to Google to look up how to do that, I'm still at a loss.  But yet, I can always listen now to Richard saying both my names whenever I want to. Thank you Richard and Audible.)

Audiobook Challenge 2020 - February Book

Audiobook Challenge February Book 
An Audiobook Less Than 8 Hours Long

 Finished my audiobook for February.

Meet Me At The Museum: A Novel, by Anne Youngson, 6 hours and 29 minutes.

So happy that I found this lovely epistolary novel.  It's rare to find a story about people my age, later in life, but not yet retired, looking for a hopeful connection with another human being. 

The story is told through letters (some delivered through email) between a man and a woman in different countries who begin an accidental correspondence.  A certain exhibit at a museum is what initially brings them together.

Two very good narrators I didn't know before, Helen Lloyd and Lars Knudsen.

I highly recommend it.

March - An Audiobook being adapted for the screen in 2020. My selection (thanks to my friend Fanny) is A Woman of No Importance by Sonia Purnell