Saturday, August 29, 2020

More Sharpe Tales from History Hack - Yes, Even Paul McGann

Paul McGann as Richard Sharpe

If you are a fan of the Sharpe TV series and haven't been listening to the History Hack Podcasts featuring the cast,crew, and producers of the series, what are you waiting for?

In the latest podcast the unimaginable happens. Paul McGann talks about what really happened on the Sharpe set, and about his injury that led Sean Bean to replace him as Richard Sharpe. Did any Sharpe fan ever expect to hear directly from Paul McGann!!!!

I listened last night and at the end I was even missing this:

Now all Sharpe fans know some of the story of how Sean Bean ended up as Sharpe, but there was a lot that I didn't know. It was a pleasure to listen to Paul McGann.  

(I confess I have a soft spot for his brother, Stephen McGann)

In addition in this podcast we get Brian Cox unplugged, telling it like it is, or was. 

I may have to sign up for HBO again to watch Succession. 

I wish we had more from the Wellingtons, Hugh Fraser and David Troughton.  Maybe they'll come back in the next podcast to share more.  And I felt we needed more about the real Wellington from the historians on the podcast, but there just wasn't time.

It was also interesting to hear Assumpta Serna's stories about the
women in the cast of the very male-centric set of Sharpe. Why do women always have to struggle to be heard! And also representing Spain's side of the Peninsular War/Spanish War of Independence.  

(I know the feeling of being sidelined in history, the Spanish American War is part of the Cuban War of Independence.)

History Hack and Jason Salkey have promised more Sharpe cast and crew podcasts in our future. 

Oh yes, of course, I can't end this post without a reminder that Jason Salkey's book, From Crimea with Love, is getting closer to publication. 

To find the other great History Hack Sharpe Podcasts click HERE

Friday, August 21, 2020




Looking wonderful at 49
August 22, 2020

I love listening to Richard's audiobooks. We've had a wealth of his voice narrating/performing a wide range of audiobooks.  And more to look forward to already in September and October.  Thank you Richard and Audible and the publishers, and oh yes, the writers.

Looking forward to the two new movie projects that have been announced for the new year. I admit that I miss seeing his face on my screen, in a movie or TV series.

As long as the filming can be done safely in this Covid-19 world.

Looking forward to Space Sweepers

Friday, August 14, 2020

The Postman (1997) - A Movie For Our Times

I have a friend who is a fan of  Kevin Costner and in the years when he was top of the box office I used to go to some of his films with her.  I like Costner, but wouldn't describe myself as a fan.  

(And in return I convinced her to see a couple of Sean Bean films with me. She never remembered that it was the same actor in the two films!)

In the last few days social media has been talking about a film Costner made in 1997 called The Postman.  I wonder if my friend ever saw the film.  It wasn't one we saw together.

Reading about the The Postman today, I think it is a film worth revisiting right now.

From Wikipedia:

It is set in a post-apocalyptic and neo-Western version of the United States in the then near-future year of 2013, sixteen-plus years after unspecified apocalyptic events, starting with the breakdown of society through “hate crimes and racially motivated attacks (by) a militia-like group” led by Nathan Holn, progressing to war, followed by plagues, that collectively left a huge impact on human civilization and erased most technology. Like the book, the film follows the story of a nomadic drifter (Costner) who stumbles across the uniform of an old United States Postal Service mail carrier, and unwittingly inspires hope through an empty promise of a "Restored United States of America" and starts his path to become a national hero

Update - Found out the movie is based on a novel: