Sunday, October 18, 2020

Stages of Retirement - Post Pandemic Wish List


I've been retired for several weeks now, I'm still waiting for the EXCITEMENT stage of retirement to kick in.  🤣

Maybe part of not feeling "excitement' is that retiring during a pandemic is somewhat restrictive.  As an older person I am very concerned about my danger of catching COVID, and so I keep myself to myself.   Though as an introvert I know that I've suffered less in many ways than others that have a need to be around people all the time, or are separated from family.  I am possibly in some circumstances what is known in some circles as an "elder orphan", and so I don't have family that I miss interacting with on a daily basis.  I do have family that I see on major holidays, and that too will probably not happen this year. 

But being an introvert doesn't mean I don't miss friends or having a social life. I miss going to the movies, museums, and the theater. Though, like my favorite actor Richard Armitage recently said in an interview, I too prefer socializing one-on one or in small groups.  

I don't have a travel "bucket list", but when I was contemplating retirement this year, I did have in my mind certain things I wanted to do now that I would have the time. Also there are a number of senior discount programs and also community centers in the area that offer all kinds of programs for seniors. But the pandemic has restricted what I can do in person. Also many of these activities are cancelled for the foreseeable future. So I've decided to put together a post-pandemic wish list of fun things to do.

(in no particular order)

I'll also add a note to the list items and add some virtual things I'm doing from home.  

Post-Pandemic Wish List

1.     Audit a class at the Community College

(Note:  I've signed up for a couple of online classes (free) and lectures.  History, art, and literature, film history, are my main interests. There are various organizations that offer classes and lectures online for free. I've taken classes before from Futurelearn and Coursera from universities around the world.)

2.     Visit a museum once a month

(Note:  I live in a museum rich area.  Museums around the world are now offering access to exhibits and different learning opportunities online.  Not all are free, but many are.  I haven't looked into this yet, but I will.)

3.     Take a day trip every couple of months - community centers offer these

(Note:  Definitely for post-pandemic)

4.     Take advantage of senior movie matinee discount days offered by local movie theaters.

(Note: Another one for post-pandemic, if any movie theaters are still in business by then.)

5.     Take advantage of senior matinee discounts in local theaters - live theater

(Note:  Most theaters in my area, have senior discounts. There's a well known regional theater near me I was planning to frequent.  Another item for post-pandemic.)

6.     Volunteer  

(Note:  I was looking into this before I retired, something that was only once a week or every two weeks, but now will be post-pandemic.)

7.     Join a book club at one of my local libraries

(Note:   Living in a metro area I have access to several library systems. All of them have book clubs especially geared for seniors that meet during the day.  Some have moved the club meetings online, but for an introvert meeting people for the first time virtually is a bit daunting.  Maybe move this to post-pandemic.)

8.     Explore my local parks and gardens

(Note:  I have been doing this for a couple of weeks and it's been fun.  One of those things I didn't think much about when I was working.  Good places to walk and explore nature a little bit a few times a week. I even saw a woodpecker up close the other day.)

9.     Take a Tai Chi class

(Note: I found a beginning class for seniors on YT and have tuned in once a week. But I do get a bit lost I will admit.  I've heard Tai Chi is good for balance and other aches and pains as we age.  But of course all the live classes at the community center are cancelled at present.)

 10.    Take a Jewelry-Making class

(Note:  I have absolutely no aptitude for this, and have never been a crafts person, but I'm a jewelry lover, especially art jewelry.  So I thought in retirement I might try my hand at taking a class for fun.  I discovered there are jewelry making classes online, but I think I'll wait for post-pandemic, since part of the idea is to be with other people.)

Will I do all of these things?  Now that is the question.  

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Sean Bean Looking Good as Mr. Wilford in Snowpiercer


Just released the new promo for Season 2 of Snowpiercer on TNT

 Season Premiere January 25, 2021

Gives me time to catch up with Season 1.  I've only watched half of it.  But now I'm energized to watch the rest.  

I haven't watched the film - maybe I will as well