Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Valentine's Day 2013

Edvard Munch

Valentine's Day is my least favorite holiday. For those of us without a Valentine it is a sad day indeed. I know I'm not the only one who dreads the question "What are you doing on Valentine's Day?"  Having dinner alone always seems sadder on February 14.

Valentine's Day is always one of the two days a year that I regret not being married. (The other is New Year's Eve by the way.) But recently I asked several married co-workers how they feel about Valentine's Day, and to my surprise none of them had a positive thing to say about the day. They complained about having a day of enforced romance, about being too busy with jobs and kids to have a romantic dinner, or even a romantic minute, especially on a weekday, about rushing to buy a last minute present, or receiving a present they didn't really want. Even when I mentioned flowers and chocolates, the comments were about how the holiday is a ploy by florists, chocolate manufacturers, and greeting card companies, to make more money. But all romance is not dead, a few told me how they prefer romance to be spontaneous, and told me stories of times they surprised their spouse with a gift, or even a special weekend getaway.  

After talking to my co-workers I started to feel better about being a singleton on this day.  Maybe I'll buy myself a rose, a white rose, on my way home from work today. Happy Valentine's Day to me.

A Big Valentine's Day Hug to my Blog Followers!  Thank you!


  1. Yes! You should definitely treat yourself on Valentine's Day. Thanks for the lovely hearts!
    Big hug to you!

  2. Dear Phyllys! Happy Valentine's Day to you!

  3. yes, it is a sad day for all of us who are single, Myri :(
    Happy Single Awareness day to us!

    1. Hope it ended up being a good day Dezz. I think from now on I'll call it Single Awareness day, I like that.

  4. I'm sorry you're sad. It's not that big of a deal to me -- either when I've been in a relationship (most of the years till 2006) or since then, mostly because none of my partners or I ever took it that seriously anyway. Now I mostly think of it as a day on which to be especially nice to people. Or if I go to a coffee place or a bar I'll surreptitiously pay the check of someone who's sitting alone.

    Sorry I can't buy you a glass of wine!

    1. Thank you Servetus. You are right, it is a day to acknowledge people close to us, and be nice to others. Hope you had a lovely day.

      Hope one day we can have a glass of wine together :)

  5. thanks for your words, I feel the same.

    1. Now the day is over for another year, and we can feel ourselves again :)
