Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Richard Armitage in Australia, April 29, 2013

Five books Richard - you've been reading 5 books for five (5) potential roles in potential films!  Five books!

Aaaargh! What are those five books??????! The mind boggles!

Richard, Richard, Richard, you're going to make me pay again for a subscription to IMDB Pro aren't you?  Oh yes you are! I'm going to want to know what films are out there in pre-production or just a glimmer in some producers eye based on some book! Oh yes you are, aren't you Richard darling! My financial loss is IMDB's gain! 

Oh Richard

Oh my Richard! Who cares about big CV's! Who can look and listen to you and not cast you in all five or more films! Producers and Directors, listen to us! Cast Him!!!

Based on a "charming book"?  Oh Richard!!!! 

To know what I'm talking about read the charming interview/conversation with Alice Tynan on The Vine:


"Oh My Goodness"


  1. Love it. Yes. Inquiring minds NEED to know what 5 books????

    1. Hi astra marie! We do need to get our collective minds together and find what books? Thank you for your comment and visit :)

  2. Thank you for sharing this informative blog in terms of interesting books. I heard that lots of people are looking for these books which makes me interested as well. Hopefully those books will be publish as soon as possible. I really love reading different kinds of books and I'm so excited to read an interesting book.

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