Monday, May 12, 2014

The Crucible - Hint About Costume Design?

 Potrait by Pierre Gonnord
(my addition of photo, not from Soutra Gilmour 's website-another example of Gonnord's work)


  1. OK, interesting that she shows a pic of a long beard, but the words under the paper say "short hair." :)

    1. I didn't notice the "short hair", good eyes Serv. Did laugh when she wrote under "overall ideas" Black - I thought RA would be happy about that, being his favorite color.
      I'm puzzled also, is it the beard look that she's inspired by, or the dark clothes, or the expression of the man? Unfortunately we can't see what the very young and smiling woman behind him is wearing? I just added another portrait I found from Gonnord, clothes are more visible -that's my addition, nothing to do with the designer's website. Only more questions???!!!

    2. Thanks for the mention and link on your blog Servetus!

  2. ...what did I miss?....

    1. Hello - Soutra Gilmour is the designer for The Crucible and she tweeted and posted about starting her work on the play.

  3. Oh, interesting, thanks for picking that up and bringing it to our attention. - I am more intrigued by the evidence of photobooks by Gonnord and Nickerson, both pretty famous art photographers. Gonnord photographed Spanish tramps with their rugged, weather-beaten faces. Nickerson has done a lot of work on African farm labourers. Both photographers make straight-forward, warts-and-all portraits of ordinary people. So is that a coincidence or are they used for inspiration? Can we expect The Crucible to be transported from the New World to the Developing World, or set among the dispossessed and disenfranchised? Interesting...

    1. All very interesting questions Guylty. Thanks for the information about the photographers and their work. I'm not familiar with their work, but I did look up Gonnord this morning. More questions about the "re-imagining" of the play I think, and you could be right on both counts I suppose, "third world and the dispossessed". RA already has the beard started! Maybe just the haunted look and the black clothing, you think? Hope once they start rehearsal we'll get more information. I find all these hints fascinating.

  4. Suspect that what we saw in the picture is as long as the beard is going to be. Don't have a lot of time to do a long beard and why hide the face? Also suspect that some of the re-imagining will be associated with theater in the round. This format has to be pretty challenging, especially for someone who has not acted on the stage for a while. Thanks for the research!

    1. Welcome! Interesting, he did make a point of mentioning the theater in the round, he's right the audience is right in there with them. It has to be challenging, but think he's loving it, don't you? Can't wait to know more.

    2. Might just be happy to get away from the CGI and real people's reactions.

  5. Unbelievable! In The Crucible's new poster, RA is wearing same or very similar costume as in photo above. You're prescient Fabo;)

    1. Hi Dear Ricrar - maybe it was esp with RA ;) pretty interesting isn't it, the costumes, the look - wonder about her stage design, has to be fairly minimal with theater in the round. Thanks!

  6. Great detective work Fabo! I have linked to this post for one of my posts for a second time. Brava, lady! Cheers! Grati ;->

    1. Thank you for the links to my post dear Grati - you are much too good to me. I truly appreciate it. Thank you very much for the kind words :)
