Saturday, May 4, 2013

An Armitage Dream Week - Start of The Month of May and Sydney Q&A - Comments about Armitage from Interviewer and Transcript from TORN

(Not sure source of this photo - From Popcorn Taxi Event in Sydney, May 1)

What a wonderful week last week for all Richard Armitage fans. Much thanks and love to all who were there a the Popcorn Taxi Q&A for sharing their experience, and more to come I'm sure. So grateful.

The lovely and talented people at has today published the transcript of the Q&A and so today we love TORN more than ever!  If you haven't seen it, below is the link:

TORN's correspondent Deleece talked to the interviewer, Oscar Hillerstorm, after the event and he had some lovely and interesting comments about talking to Armitage  the day before the special night's event that I think are worth highlighting:

Deleece: And you found that Richard was very happy to do these sorts of things (Q&A)? Have you done anything before with Richard through Popcorn Taxi?
Oscar Hillerstrom: No, this is the first time we’ve worked with Richard. But, at the same time, I had a chat with him yesterday and I found him remarkably candid, very thoughtful, and a straight forward actor. It’s really interesting when you talk to him just as a normal human being how you see the qualities of Thorin onstage come through him. But, at the same time he’s just a regular guy who is very interested in the craft of acting, and that kind of thing really comes out on stage. I think he is fascinating. Especially for the fans who get to see a bit of stuff behind the scenes and obviously the interviews. But, when you’re on a Popcorn Taxi stage the curtains are let down – I guess ‘the pants’ in this particular aspect are also let down (laugh). You get to see something you don’t normally get to see – which is a normal human being discussing what they do for a living. And perhaps it takes a smidgeon of mystery out of it but at the same time it gives you so much more. And that for me is the real joy of it.

He also has some things to say about Richard Armitage fans! Go to TORN to see the full post about the Q&A in Sydney.


  1. Wow, I found his remarks about Armitage's fans insulting. Not nice at all. Oh well. Maybe he meant well but boy was that a condescending remark.

    1. I suppose I concentrated more on him saying RA's fans were passionate, well-read, and well educated. Maybe I'm more immune to those other types of comments from the press, since I've been in fandom, not RA's, for a long time, and the press usually is not even that complimentary to fans! But I understand what you're saying. Anyway, I'll amend what I say about, since I don't want to create a problem where there is none for me.

  2. Hey, you don't have to change your comments because of me! I apologize for creating the impression I wanted to pressure you.

    1. No worries Serv. I know your intention was not to "pressure" me to change my comment, but I know you know the feelings of the fandom, and I often don't, being somewhat of an outsider. Given your comment I thought it best to remove mine and let people make up their own minds about it.


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