Saturday, July 18, 2020

Imma Tataranni - Italian Mystery Series

Imma Tataranni  - Italian Mystery In a Fascinating Part of Italy

My new favorite Italian series on MHz Choice is Imma Tataranni, based on the books by Mariolina Venezia.  

Tataranni is the deputy prosecutor for the city of Matera, in Southern Italy.  Wikipedia tells me that Matera is in the region of Basilicata, in one of the "oldest continously inhabited cities in the world."  To learn more about Matera, click HERE.

One thing I've learned from watching European mystery series is that legal prosecutors are also investigators. They work with the police and other law enforcement officers to investigate crimes, and also prosecute criminals in court.

Imma is a fascinating and fun character. She balances her difficult job of legal prosecutor and master detective with a husband, teenage daughter, difficult in-laws, and a mother starting to suffer from dementia.  She is truly a representative from the Sandwich Generation. 

Imma has her own fashion sense, and I applaud her for dressing her way not adopting the very restrictive "professional woman" attire. She gets criticized for it, but she enjoys her own style. As someone who likes to wear bold jewelry often,  it's fun for me to see her  style choices. 

Imma also has a much younger, and very handsome, assistant Corporal Calogiuri.  Imma and Calogiuri become very close.  I like that about this series also.  We don't see the older woman - younger man dynamics in many series. 

Very much a main character in this series is the region of Basilicata and the fascinating history of the area.  Not only stunning visuals, but an ancient and amazing part of the world.

The series does give viewers a bit of the history of this city and this region. If I had a bucket list, I would add visiting Basilicata to it. 

Imma Tataranni is played by Vanessa Scalera who I don't remember seeing in a series or film before. But I will look for her in future series. To find out more about the rest of the cast click HERE.

Oh, and for Montalbano fans,  Cesare Bocci (Mimi) is a guest star in Season 1 of this series.

Below is an interesting review of the series and character of Imma Tataranni:

I would say that stereotypes of women in TV series is sadly not restricted to Italian television.  It is pretty universal.  

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