In celebration of the Chinese New Year - The Year
of the Dragon I continue my search for astrological compatibility with Richard
Armitage by looking into our signs in the Chinese Zodiac.
(Note: Richard in
Blue, me in Red).
As far as I can tell the Chinese Zodiac signs are determined
by year of birth and Richard’s year, 1971, means he is a Pig.
Now being called a pig in the US is not really a good thing,
but in the Chinese Zodiac description below I think it is pretty accurate about
the Mr. Armitage we know:
Personality of The Pig
Occupying the last position in the Chinese Zodiac, the 12th,
the Pig symbolizes such character traits as diligence (oh
yes, we know this one is very true), compassion (check),
and generosity (I think we can be pretty sure
this is a yes). Pigs enjoy life (glad to know) and
because they are entertaining (certainly works for us
as his fans), others enjoy their company (oh
yes, a girl can dream). Pigs are giving souls and reap much enjoyment
when they’re helping others (we know), but
sometimes they give too much (but we miss seeing him on
our TV screens, or listening to a new audio book don’t we?). Honesty is what Pigs give and it’s what they
expect to receive in return.

Pigs seek peace and will do what is necessary to maintain it
(I think he’s mentioned this in an interview).
This trait, while admirable, sometimes makes it easy for others to take
advantage of Pigs. Pigs are always doing for others, helping anyway they can,
but rarely will they ask others for help. This can overwhelm and stress them,
but Pigs don’t mind. (Richard, count on me darling. I’ll
help you with whatever you need!)
When it comes to money, Pigs enjoy spending more than saving
(is it Valentine’s day soon?). They gravitate
towards name brand items (let’s see – is Cartier a name
brand? Richard?). Thriftiness happens only occasionally, but Pigs do know how to
find great deals (now you’re talking!).
Pigs enjoy helping at work and can always be counted on (very true from all accounts). They enjoy
opportunities that allow them to express their creativity (we all hope for more fabulous opportunities to come after
The Hobbit). Pigs are detail-oriented, (the man
we know) a trait admired by management. Pigs aren’t afraid to take on
responsibility (he’s Thorin, can’t be more responsible
than that!).
Some good career choices for Pigs include: entertainer (more artist and actor I would say in his case), caterer, doctor (calling Dr. Track), veterinarian, or interior decorator.
Supportive and giving, Pigs make great partners (swoon). They’re affectionate and sexual and prefer
staying home to going out (double swoon). They
enjoy what they have, especially their home and family. Once they find the
right partner, they’re typically committed for the long-term (somewhere in this world there is a very lucky person…).
Pigs and the 5 elements Metal Pigs – Years 1911 and 1971
Metal Pigs have a tough exterior, (to
casting people apparently – I think he’s a sweetheart) and this strength
can be seen in all areas of life (Yes!). They
work diligently (we know, we know) and love with
all they have (we don’t know, but would love to find
out). They’re outspoken and trust others right away.
And here’s the best part for me!
Pigs are most compatible with a Rabbit or Goat and incompatible with the Monkey and
Yes indeed my friends, in the Chinese
Zodiac I am a Goat or sometimes known
also as a Sheep. (No, I’m not going to tell you
my year of birth, no siree, not even if you send Oleg Darshavin over to torture
I just knew somewhere in the zodiac
universe the truth would reveal itself, and here it has. RA and I are most
compatible! But wait, there’s more:
Richard is a Metal Pig and I am a Wood
Wood Goats
Others enjoy the company of Wood Goats (especially Pigs apparently) which is why they’re most
comfortable in groups. They enjoy being helpful, but their generosity is
sometimes taken advantage of. Wood Goats need to spend more time caring for
their own selves. (This sounds a bit like the Pig
personality description doesn’t it? We are so compatible Richard and I!)
Apparently the 12 signs of the Chinese Zodiac are divided
into four groups and we are in the...
Fourth Group- Cat, Goat, Pig
These are all peace loving animals and believe in mutual
co-operation (so far so good). They are neither
too zealous and active nor intelligent (now just a
minute, I protest on behalf of RA!) and also do not believe in accepting
challenges (not true for RA indeed!) and risks
as they are highly sensitive animals (OK, maybe you got
us both there. A product of being shy). They also have great ability to
elicit and seek sympathy, hence they are considerate, love and sympathize with
each other (Oh my, RA paradise). Pig requires
Cat's crafty cunningness and Goat's civility and
humility (If I say so myself!).
Pig with a Sheep/Goat
Imagine long, fun nights of champagne, caviar and breaking
dishes in a fireplace. (I’m available for some
champagne and caviar and dish breaking right now Richard, if you’re not busy?)
Sound pretentious? It is!
(Pretentious! Horrors!)
But Sheep (Goat) and Pigs love it, and their mutual love and
understanding make this a rewarding relationship.
(Squee, Swoon…well…I’m sure you can all fill in the rest)
And now for the fantastic ending of
this Chinese Zodiac journey:
Pig Man and Sheep (Goat) Woman
When this pairing consists of a Pig man and a Sheep (Goat)
woman, this will normally be a long lasting happy relationship (younger man/older woman – could work). They are both
sensitive and imaginative (how sweet are we!). They
will easily share their dreams and hopes (your dreams
are my dreams baby). They will have a tender, loving relationship (Oh yes!). He will never take her for granted and she
will give him all he could dream of (Yes I will -Swoon).
Goat and Pig: Chinese Pigs together with Chinese Goats will
achieve anything they wish to achieve in a love bond in 2012. Goat Love
Compatibility 2012 with a Chinese Pig is the best love compatibility.
Richard my darling Chinese Pig,
Call Me!!!!!!!!!
Your Loving Goat/Sheep
Want to test your own Chinese Zodiac Compatibility with
Richard Armitage? Would love if you would share what you find out in the comments below.
See below for the websites I used as references for this
Disclaimer: Hope everyone that reads this knows this is just
for fun and not serious in any way. All meant with great affection and admiration for Richard
Armitage’s great sense of humor.
pics from RichardArmitage, Richard Armitage Central, Richard Armitage Online, Google Images, 2011horoscopesblogspot